巴基斯坦要求所有公民在18岁前获得国民身份证或面临长达6个月的监禁。 Pakistan mandates all citizens get a National Identity Card by 18 or face up to six months in jail.
巴基斯坦的NADRA授权所有公民在年满18岁后90天内获得国民身份证,或面临长达六个月的监禁,或最高罚款50 000卢比。 Pakistan's NADRA has mandated that all citizens obtain a National Identity Card (NIC) within 90 days of turning 18, or face up to six months in jail or a fine of up to Rs50,000. NIC对于获得诸如银行、许可证和护照等服务至关重要。 The NIC is essential for accessing services like banking, licensing, and passports. NADRA正在鼓励通过各种服务迅速提出申请。 NADRA is encouraging prompt applications through various services.