巴基斯坦内政部长指示国家数据登记局制定国家登记政策,以实现透明、安全的公民登记。 Pakistan's Interior Minister directs NADRA to create a National Registration Policy for transparent, safe citizenship registration.
巴基斯坦内政部长穆赫辛·纳克维指示国家数据和登记局制定国家登记政策,以实现透明、安全的公民登记。 Pakistan's Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi directs NADRA to create a National Registration Policy for transparent, safe citizenship registration. 该政策旨在防止非法登记,需要各省达成共识。 The policy aims to prevent illegal registration and requires consensus among provinces. NADRA 柜台将在 Khidmat 中心设立,在木尔坦等主要城市增加 NADRA 中心的计划也将很快完成并实施。 NADRA counters will be set up at Khidmat Centers, and the plan to increase NADRA centers in major cities, including Multan, will be finalized and implemented soon.