俄亥俄州的新法每年给予印度教学生三次宗教假日缺课,包括迪瓦利。 Ohio's new law grants Hindu students three religious holiday absences annually, including for Diwali.
俄亥俄州颁布了一项新的法律,允许印度教学生每年有三次宗教假日缺课,包括Diwali节假日缺课,不受到学术处罚。 Ohio has enacted a new law allowing Hindu students three religious holiday absences annually, including Diwali, without academic penalties. 学校必须容纳这些缺课者,并为错过的考试提供替代考试。 Schools must accommodate these absences and provide alternative exams for missed tests. 家长需要用签名信通知学校,校长会批准休假日。 Parents need to notify schools with a signed letter, and principals will approve the days off. 该法由参议员Niraj Antani赞助,于2025学年生效。 The law, sponsored by Senator Niraj Antani, takes effect for the 2025 school year.