尼日利亚军事总司令誓言封锁外国袭击和基地,将地方安全置于优先地位。 Nigerian military chief vows to block foreign attacks and bases, prioritizing local security.
尼日利亚国防参谋长克里斯托弗·穆萨将军宣布,尼日利亚将不允许其边界用于外国袭击或接纳外国军事基地。 Nigeria's Chief of Defence Staff, Gen. Christopher Musa, announced that Nigeria will not permit its borders to be used for foreign attacks or host foreign military bases. 穆萨强调尼日利亚有能力独立处理安全问题,强调对外国基地开展培训协作。 Emphasizing Nigeria's capability to handle security independently, Musa stressed training collaborations over foreign bases. 他警告不要利用宗教或族裔紧张局势,并保证对国家安全面临的威胁采取坚决的行动,强调军方对和平与安全的承诺。 He warned against exploiting religious or ethnic tensions and assured firm action against threats to national security, highlighting the military's commitment to peace and security.