美国兰利将军会见了尼日利亚国防部长,赞扬尼日利亚为消除不安全所作的努力,并讨论了加强合作问题。 US General Langley met Nigeria's defense chief, praising efforts against insecurity and discussing enhanced cooperation.
美国非洲司令部负责人Michael Langley将军在阿布贾会见了尼日利亚国防参谋长Christopher Musa将军。 General Michael Langley, head of US Africa Command, met with Nigeria's Chief of Defence Staff, General Christopher Musa, in Abuja. 兰利赞扬尼日利亚为对付不安全所作的努力及其在该区域的领导地位。 Langley praised Nigeria's efforts against insecurity and its leadership in the region. Musa感谢美国的支持,并寻求在培训、情报共享和设备采购方面加强合作,以打击西非的恐怖主义和犯罪。 Musa thanked the US for its support and sought increased cooperation in training, intelligence sharing, and equipment procurement to combat terrorism and crime in West Africa.