在Connellsville的多栋房屋在被怀疑的清晨爆炸后发生火灾,有一栋房屋倒塌。 Multiple houses in Connellsville catch fire, one collapses, after a suspected early morning explosion.
Connellsville的多座房屋于星期五清晨着火,一栋倒塌,另一栋严重受损。 Multiple houses in Connellsville caught fire early Friday morning, with one collapsing and another severely damaged. 在凌晨6时15分可能发生爆炸之后,消防员对东墨菲大道400个街区作出反应。 一些居民流离失所,多人被送往医院。 Firefighters responded to the 400 block of East Murphy Avenue after a possible explosion at 6:15 a.m. Several residents were displaced, and multiple people were taken to hospitals. 至少10个消防部门得到援助,美国红十字会提供支持。 At least 10 fire departments assisted, and the American Red Cross provided support. 州警消防队长正在调查此事。 The state police fire marshal is investigating the cause.