Little Rock批准333M 2025预算, 重点是公共安全及消防员加薪。 Little Rock approves $333M 2025 budget, focusing on public safety with firefighter pay raises.
Little Rock董事会在一次特别会议上批准了该市2025年3.33亿美元的预算。 The Little Rock Board of Directors approved the city's $333 million 2025 budget during a special meeting. 预算侧重于公共安全、公园和基础设施。 The budget focuses on public safety, parks, and infrastructure. 与消防员联盟达成了协议,为市消防员争取5%的加薪。 An agreement was reached with the firefighters' union, securing a 5% pay raise for city firefighters. 这一核准是在旨在增加城市资金的销售税投票失败后作出的。 This approval follows the failure of a sales tax ballot aimed at boosting city funds. 预算还包括对非穿制服的全时城市工人的1.75%的加薪。 The budget also includes a 1.75% raise for non-uniformed full-time city workers.