爱尔兰警方寻求公众帮助寻找失踪的21岁的Megan Lyons, Irish police seek public's help to locate missing 21-year-old Megan Lyons last seen on Christmas Day.
科克市的加尔达(Gardaí)正在寻求帮助找到21岁的梅根·里昂(Megan Lyons),又称梅根·奥德里斯科尔(Megan O'Driscoll),他从圣诞节开始失踪。 Gardaí in Cork City are seeking help to locate 21-year-old Megan Lyons, also known as Megan O'Driscoll, who has been missing since Christmas Day. 12月25日下午10点20分在Farranree家中最后一次见到Megan是5尺6寸, Last seen at her Farranree home at 10:20 PM on December 25th, Megan is 5'6", with a medium build, blonde hair, and blue eyes. 她穿着黑色的Svetti夹克, 上面有棕色毛皮、黑色皮带和粉红色的钻石训练员。 She was wearing a black Svetti jacket with brown fur trim, black leggings, and pink diamond trainers. 任何人如掌握情报,应与Gurranabraher Garda站、Garda秘密线或任何Garda站联系。 Anyone with information should contact Gurranabraher Garda Station, the Garda Confidential Line, or any Garda station.