印度外汇储备下跌了84.8亿美元,达到六个月的最低水平。 India's foreign exchange reserves dropped by $8.48 billion, reaching a six-month low.
截至12月20日,印度外汇储备下降了84.78亿美元,降至6 443.91亿美元,标志着连续第二周的下降。 India's foreign exchange reserves fell by $8.478 billion to $644.391 billion as of December 20, marking a decline for the second consecutive week. 印度储备银行将重新估价和进行干预以稳定卢比作为下降的原因。 The Reserve Bank of India cited revaluation and interventions to stabilize the rupee as reasons for the drop. 外币资产、黄金储备和特别提款权全部减少,使储备降到六个月的最低水平。 Foreign currency assets, gold reserves, and Special Drawing Rights all decreased, pushing reserves to a six-month low. 尽管最近出现下降,但印度在全球前列储备中仍居第四位。 Despite the recent decline, India still ranks fourth globally in forex reserves.