随着RBI干预稳定卢比,印度的外汇储备下降到656.58B美元。 India's foreign exchange reserves fall to $656.58B as RBI intervenes to stabilize the rupee.
印度银行联盟的报告显示,印度外汇储备从7 050亿美元下降到6 565.8亿美元,因为印度储备银行利用这些储备稳定美元流出中的货币。 Union Bank of India's report indicates India's foreign exchange reserves have dropped from $705 billion to $656.58 billion as the Reserve Bank of India uses these reserves to stabilize the currency amid dollar outflows. 卢比一直承受着压力 随着RBI的干预 以控制波动 The rupee has been under pressure, with the RBI intervening to manage volatility. 此外,政府的财政状况简略地要求取得进展的方法和手段,但后来又得到恢复。 Additionally, the government's fiscal position briefly required Ways and Means Advances but later recovered.