圣诞夜三角洲航班在船上发现一名不戴手铐的乘客并因非法侵入而被捕后推迟。 Christmas Eve Delta flight delayed after an unticketed passenger was found onboard and arrested for trespassing.
在圣诞节前夕,一架从西雅图飞往火奴鲁鲁的三角洲航班在船上发现一名不戴手铐的旅客后被推迟了两个多小时。 On Christmas Eve, a Delta flight from Seattle to Honolulu was delayed over two hours after an unticketed passenger was found onboard. 此人因非法侵入而被捕,并被关入监狱。 The individual was arrested for trespassing and booked into jail. 运输安全管理局和德尔塔正在调查乘客如何绕过安全检查,在没有机票的情况下登机。 The Transportation Security Administration and Delta are investigating how the passenger bypassed security checks and boarded without a ticket. 这一事件发生在11月发生类似案件之后,一名妇女在飞往法国的三角洲航班上偷渡时被抓获。 This incident follows a similar case in November where a woman was caught stowing away on a Delta flight to France.