一名妇女绕过纳什维尔国际机场的运输安全管理局检查站。 A woman bypassed TSA checkpoints at Nashville International Airport.
联邦当局正在调查一名乘客无票登机并降落在洛杉矶的事件,这是三个月内第二次发生这种情况。 Federal authorities are investigating an incident in which a passenger boarded a flight without a ticket and landed in Los Angeles, the second time in three months that this has occurred. 该女子在未出示登机牌或身份证件的情况下绕过纳什维尔国际机场的运输安全管理局检查站并登机。 The woman bypassed TSA checkpoints at Nashville International Airport without showing her boarding pass or identification and boarded the flight. 运输安全管理局正在审查事件的情况。 The Transportation Security Administration is reviewing the circumstances of the incident.