中国全国人大设立了45个办公室,收集民众对立法的意见。 China's National People's Congress sets up 45 offices to gather public input on lawmaking.
中国全国人民代表大会在全国设立了45个外联办公室,以促进公众参与立法工作。 The National People's Congress in China has established 45 outreach offices nationwide to boost public participation in lawmaking. 这些办事处收集了27 880多项关于183项立法项目的建议。 These offices have gathered over 27,880 suggestions on 183 legislative items. 官员正在让航运公司和律师事务所等利益攸关方参与,就拟议的法律修正案收集意见,以提高立法质量和公众参与。 Officials are engaging stakeholders like shipping companies and law firms to gather input on proposed law amendments, aiming to improve legislative quality and public involvement. 这一倡议标志着全国人大成立70周年,被视为公民与立法者之间的桥梁。 This initiative marks the 70th anniversary of the NPC and is seen as a bridge between citizens and lawmakers.