使用人工智能治疗和个性化细胞疗法的癌症治疗正在取得进展,预计到2034年市场将达到数十亿。 Cancer treatments using AI and personalized cell therapy are advancing, with markets projected to reach billions by 2034.
通过人工智能和个性化细胞疗法,癌症治疗正在迅速推进,到2030年和2034年将分别增至115.2亿美元和251.37亿美元。 Cancer treatment is advancing rapidly with artificial intelligence and personalized cell therapy, set to grow to $11.52 billion and $251.37 billion by 2030 and 2034, respectively. 肿瘤学生物技术是免疫疗法的领先者,它报告说,在2024年取得了重大进展,包括乳腺癌和胰腺癌研究中存活率的提高。 Oncolytics Biotech, a leader in immunotherapy, reported significant progress in 2024, including improved survival rates in breast and pancreatic cancer studies. 该公司计划在2025年提供更多数据,突出显示肿瘤学中免疫疗法的影响越来越大。 The company plans to present more data in 2025, highlighting the growing impact of immunotherapy in oncology.