Alex Manley, 21岁, 被控在Anchorage大学湖公园附近发生枪击事件后多起攻击罪。 Alex Manley, 21, charged with multiple assault counts after a shooting near University Lake Park in Anchorage.
Alex Manley, 21岁,来自Anchorage, 被控在大学湖公园附近枪击后, 犯有一级攻击罪和多项三级攻击罪。 Alex Manley, a 21-year-old from Anchorage, has been charged with first-degree assault and multiple counts of third-degree assault after a shooting near University Lake Park. Manley最初否认参与此事,但在从他的手机和一支匹配的步枪找到证据后改变了他的说法。 Manley initially denied involvement but changed his story after evidence from his cellphone and a matching rifle were found. 枪击造成数名受害者受伤,Manley因武器不当行为而面临更多的指控。 The shooting left several victims wounded, and Manley faces additional charges for weapons misconduct. 家属注意到他的两极混乱以及最近获得的步枪。 Family members noted his bipolar disorder and recent acquisition of the rifle.