乌姆卡尔报告, 43%的订票量 跳跃, 将上升归因于印度的婚礼季节。 Zoomcar reports a 43% jump in bookings, attributing the rise to India's wedding season.
11月,印度汽车共享平台Zomcar的订票年复一年增加了43%,主要原因是结婚季节。 Zoomcar, an Indian car-sharing platform, saw a 43% increase in bookings year-over-year in November, mainly due to the wedding season. 该公司预期在节日季节会继续增长,并更新其网站,以提高用户的方便性,更好地在市场上竞争。 The company is expecting continued growth during the holiday season and has revamped its website to enhance user convenience and compete better in the market. Zoomcar 的首席执行官强调了公司专注于满足客户需求和提供灵活的旅行选择。 Zoomcar's CEO highlighted the company's focus on meeting customer needs and providing flexible travel options.