Zoomcar 在班加罗尔推出专车接送服务“Zoomcar Cabs”,瞄准新的细分市场。 Zoomcar launches chauffeur-driven service "Zoomcar Cabs" in Bengaluru, targeting a new market segment.
印度汽车共享平台Zoomcar正在在班加罗尔推出司机驾驶的出租车服务"Zoomcar Cabs", Zoomcar, an Indian car-sharing platform, is launching a chauffeur-driven cab service, "Zoomcar Cabs," in Bengaluru to explore a new segment of the transportation market. 在因金融挑战而退出国际市场后,该公司旨在迎合更喜欢有司机的汽车的客户,提供两小时至一个月以上的租期。 After exiting international markets due to financial challenges, the company aims to cater to customers preferring cars with drivers, offering rental periods from two hours to over a month. 这项服务将在Zomocar的应用程序上提供,为选择特定汽车模型和查看审查提供选项。 The service will be available on Zoomcar's app, providing options to select specific car models and view reviews. Zoomcar 计划根据该服务在班加罗尔的成功进行扩展。 Zoomcar plans to expand based on the service's success in Bengaluru.