中国武西,通过在利胡湖周围以音乐为主题的新乌托邦加强音乐遗产。 Wuxi, China, enhances its musical heritage with a new music-themed utopia around Lihu Lake.
中国江苏省的一个城市吴西因其丰富的音乐遗产,特别是民间音乐而备受赞誉。 Wuxi, a city in China's Jiangsu province, is celebrated for its rich musical heritage, particularly in folk music. 该市是Meicun Erhu工业园的所在地,以高质量的erhu生产著称,并主办活水音乐节,该节获得2024年最佳音乐节奖。 The city is home to the Meicun Erhu Industrial Park, known for its high-quality erhu production, and hosts the Living Water Music Festival, which won a 2024 best music festival award. 无锡正在将蠡湖风景区改造成一个以音乐为主题的乌托邦,设有表演空间和文化场所,展示了其对音乐文化的承诺。 Wuxi is transforming the Lihu Lake Scenic Spot into a music-themed utopia, featuring performance spaces and cultural venues, showcasing its commitment to musical culture.