威尔士警方发现一百万磅大麻农场 隐藏在威尔士各地的意外地点 Welsh police uncover million-pound cannabis farms hidden in unexpected locations across Wales.
2024年,威尔士当局在2024年发现了价值数百万的多个大型大麻农场,这些农场隐藏在被遗弃的池塘、前学校和上层住宅等地方。 In 2024, authorities in Wales uncovered multiple large-scale cannabis farms valued in the millions, hidden in places like abandoned pools, former schools, and upscale homes. 值得注意的发现包括在Carmarthen经营的870 000英镑和在前乡村学校建造的200万英镑的设施。 Notable finds include a £870,000 operation in Carmarthen and a £2 million facility in a former village school. 尽管有外国公民被捕,组织者仍然逍遥法外。 Despite arrests of foreign nationals involved, the organizers remain at large. 警察敦促公众报告任何可疑的活动。 Police urge the public to report any suspicious activities.