警方在威尔士的一所前学校发现了大型大麻农场;有3名男子受到指控。 Police discover large cannabis farm in a former school in Wales; three men charged.
警方在威尔士Llandysul的一所前学校发现了一个大麻农场,种植了700多种植物。 Police found a cannabis farm with over 700 plants in a former school in Llandysul, Wales. 3名男子被指控生产B类毒品。 Three men were charged with producing class B drugs. 当局确保了大楼的安全,并感谢社区提供支持,敦促居民报告任何可疑活动。 Authorities secured the building and thanked the community for support, urging residents to report any suspicious activity.