越南2024年的文化外交提升了全球形象,确保了67个教科文组织的称号,促进了旅游业。 Vietnam's cultural diplomacy in 2024 enhanced global image, securing 67 UNESCO titles and boosting tourism.
越南在2024年的文化外交努力大大提升了其全球形象和影响。 Vietnam's cultural diplomacy efforts in 2024 have significantly boosted its global image and influence. 该国超越了到2030年确保60个教科文组织头衔的目标,实现了67个头衔,并在教科文组织内获得重要职位。 The country surpassed its goal of securing 60 UNESCO titles by 2030, achieving 67 titles and gaining key positions within UNESCO. 拉丁美洲的“越南海外日”等倡议加强了政治信任和旅游业,国际游客增加了38.9%。 Initiatives like "Vietnam Days Abroad" in Latin America have enhanced political trust and tourism, with a 38.9% increase in international visitors. 越南的目标是在2025年继续取得这一成功,侧重于教科文组织的参与和文化外交,以加强其国家权力。 Vietnam aims to continue this success in 2025, focusing on UNESCO involvement and cultural diplomacy to strengthen its national power.