越南和中国承诺进行更深入的合作,并庆祝75年的外交关系。 Vietnam and China pledge deeper cooperation and celebrate 75 years of diplomatic ties.
在北京举行的第16次越南-中国指导委员会会议的重点是加强双边关系与合作,这是外交关系75周年。 The 16th Vietnam-China Steering Committee meeting in Beijing focused on enhancing bilateral relations and cooperation, marking the 75th anniversary of diplomatic ties. 两国领导人同意促进南中国海的高级别交流、经济合作和海上稳定。 Leaders from both countries agreed to boost high-level exchanges, economic collaboration, and maritime stability in the South China Sea. 他们还承诺为2025年举办文化交流活动,并保证深化政治信任与合作,包括在区域问题上。 They also committed to organizing cultural exchange events for 2025 and pledged to deepen political trust and cooperation, including on regional issues.