两名嫌犯在圣诞节清晨 盗窃了佛蒙特州的Sunoco加油站 偷走了物品 Two suspects burglarized a Sunoco gas station in Vermont early on Christmas morning, stealing items.
两名嫌犯在圣诞节清晨凌晨4: 22在佛蒙特州拉特兰镇的Sunoco加油站入室盗窃。 Two suspects burglarized a Sunoco gas station in Rutland Town, Vermont, early on Christmas morning at around 4:22 a.m. 这些人从前门闯入,偷走了多件物品。 The individuals broke in through the front door and stole multiple items. 警方正在调查并公布嫌疑人的照片,敦促公众与802-773-9101或Jonathan.hall@vermont.gov的士兵大厅联系,提供任何信息。 Police are investigating and have released photos of the suspects, urging the public to contact Trooper Hall at 802-773-9101 or Jonathan.hall@vermont.gov with any information.