佛蒙特州警方正在调查三起武装抢劫案, 其中包括一起在药房的抢劫案和两起在银行成功抢劫案, Vermont State Police investigate three armed robberies, including an attempted one at a dispensary and two successful ones at banks, by suspects in a blue Chevrolet Silverado with a New Hampshire plate.
佛蒙特州警察局调查了三起武装抢劫案,包括一起在药房未遂的武装抢劫案,以及两起在佛蒙特州东南部银行成功抢劫案。 Vermont State Police investigate three armed robberies, including an attempted one at a dispensary, and two successful robberies at banks in southeastern Vermont. 疑犯,一男一女,据信携带武器和危险。 The suspects, a man and a woman, are believed to be armed and dangerous. 他们乘坐一辆挂着新罕布什尔州车牌的蓝色雪佛兰 Silverado 逃离,最后一次露面是在前往马萨诸塞州。 They fled in a blue Chevrolet Silverado with a New Hampshire license plate, last seen heading into Massachusetts. 任何有情报的人都会被敦促与警方联系。 Anyone with information is urged to contact the police.