两人因圣诞节在亚当斯县的公路上遗弃一名新生儿而被捕。 Two people were arrested for abandoning a newborn on a road in Adams County on Christmas.
在圣诞节早上发现一名一个月大的婴儿被遗弃在Adams县的公路上之后,两人因严重虐待儿童罪被逮捕。 Two individuals were arrested on felony child abuse charges after a one-month-old baby was found abandoned on a road in Adams County on Christmas morning. 在其他事件中,俄亥俄州的一名惩教人员被囚犯袭击身亡,凤凰城机场的纠纷导致三人中枪,一人被刺伤。 In other incidents, an Ohio corrections officer was killed by an inmate assault, and a Phoenix airport dispute left three shot and one stabbed. 此外,在新罕布什尔,4人因怀疑的一氧化碳中毒而死亡。 Additionally, four people died from suspected carbon monoxide poisoning in New Hampshire.