西藏流亡者警告说,随着中国推动中华教育,文化将受到侵蚀。 Tibetan exiles warn of cultural erosion as China pushes for Chinese-medium education.
西藏流亡政府对于中国试图抹杀西藏语言和文化, 称之为“第二次文化革命”。 The Tibetan government in exile has raised alarm over China's efforts to erase the Tibetan language and culture, terming it a "second Cultural Revolution." 行动包括将西藏人赶出教育机构、关闭语言学校以及推动中文教学。 Actions include removing Tibetan from educational institutions, closing language schools, and pushing for Chinese-medium instruction. 这与中国政府强调民族统一而非民族认同的政策相一致,导致对维护西藏传统和文化的关切。 This aligns with a Chinese government policy emphasizing national unity over ethnic identities, leading to concerns about the preservation of Tibetan traditions and culture.