三名盗贼在圣诞节把车撞到沃思堡烟雾店,造成火灾。 Three burglars crashed their vehicle into a Fort Worth smoke shop on Christmas, causing a fire.
三名盗贼在圣诞节早上把车撞进沃思堡烟雾店,造成火灾。 Three burglars crashed their vehicle into a Fort Worth smoke shop on Christmas morning, causing a fire. 这一事件在监控录像中被捕获。 The incident was caught on surveillance footage. 嫌犯在闯入现代烟雾公司后逃离,当时他们的汽车着火,向大楼蔓延。 After breaking into Modern Smoke, the suspects fled as their car caught fire, spreading to the building. 沃思堡消防局作出了回应,警方正在搜寻嫌犯,调查仍在进行中。 The Fort Worth Fire Department responded, and the police are now searching for the suspects, with the investigation ongoing.