科技巨人探索核能以满足人工智能需求, 提升核企业的库存, Tech giants explore nuclear power for AI needs, boosting nuclear firms' stocks despite warnings of potential "greenwashing."
谷歌、亚马逊和微软等主要技术公司正在探索核能,以满足他们因AI而不断增长的能源需求,从而导致NuScale、Oklo和Nano核等公司的股票大幅增长。 Major tech firms like Google, Amazon, and Microsoft are exploring nuclear power to meet their rising energy needs due to AI, leading to significant stock growth in companies like NuScale, Oklo, and Nano Nuclear. 然而,卢克斯首都的Josh Wolfe警告说,这种兴趣可能更多的是“洗绿”以履行碳承诺,而不是真正转向核。 However, Josh Wolfe of Lux Capital warns that this interest may be more about "greenwashing" to meet carbon commitments rather than a genuine shift to nuclear. Wolfe预测经济失望,并建议在投资小型模块化反应堆时谨慎行事,更倾向于传统的核能。 Wolfe predicts economic disappointment and advises caution in investing in small modular reactors, preferring traditional nuclear power.