斯里兰卡警方在24小时安全推力下,对违反交通规则的近9 000名司机采取了行动。 Sri Lankan police took action against nearly 9,000 drivers for traffic violations in a 24-hour safety push.
斯里兰卡警方在24小时内对违反交通规则的近9 000名司机采取了法律行动,包括251名在影响下驾驶的司机。 Sri Lankan police took legal action against nearly 9,000 drivers for traffic violations, including 251 for driving under the influence, in a 24-hour period. 这项全岛范围的行动由代理警察总监领导,目的是在节日期间减少交通事故。 This island-wide operation, led by the Acting Inspector General of Police, aims to reduce road accidents during the festive season. 在此期间,没有报告发生致命事故。 No fatal accidents were reported during this period. 警方已敦促司机遵守交通法并安全驾驶。 Police have urged drivers to adhere to traffic laws and drive safely.