斯里兰卡报告说,假日季节性金融欺诈活动激增,今年有7 000多起案件。 Sri Lanka reports a surge in holiday-season financial fraud, with over 7,000 cases this year.
斯里兰卡电脑紧急准备小组(SLCERT)报告说,在节日期间,金融欺诈投诉增加了25%。 Sri Lanka's Computer Emergency Readiness Team (SLCERT) has reported a 25% increase in financial fraud complaints during the holiday season. 首席信息安全工程师Nirosh Ananda警告公众不要分享银行细节或一次性密码,不要对可疑的链接或电话持谨慎态度。 Chief Information Security Engineer Nirosh Ananda warns the public against sharing bank details or one-time passwords and to be cautious of suspicious links or calls. 今年报告了7 000多起在线金融欺诈案件。 Over 7,000 cases of online financial fraud have been reported this year.