搜索和救援小组继续寻找在Palos Verdes沿岸失踪的几艘渔船。 Search and rescue teams continue to seek several missing boaters off Palos Verdes coast.
搜索和救援小组正在继续努力,在Palos Verdes海岸外寻找几艘失踪船。 Search and rescue teams are continuing their efforts to locate several missing boaters off the coast of Palos Verdes. 这一行动涉及多个机构,自本周早些时候报告船员失踪以来一直持续进行。 The operation, which involves multiple agencies, has been ongoing since the boaters were reported missing earlier this week. 尽管海上条件艰难,但当局仍然希望找到失踪人员。 Despite challenging sea conditions, authorities remain hopeful of finding the missing individuals.