沙特阿拉伯的非石油出口猛增12.7%,但由于石油销售下降,出口总额下降。 Saudi Arabia's non-oil exports surge 12.7%, but overall exports fall due to a drop in oil sales.
10月,沙特阿拉伯的非石油出口增长了12.7%,达到67.6亿美元,由化学和塑料产品驱动,符合其2030年经济多样化远景目标。 In October, Saudi Arabia's non-oil exports rose 12.7% to $6.76 billion, driven by chemical and plastic products, aligning with its Vision 2030 goals to diversify the economy. 然而,由于石油出口下降17.3%,商品总出口下降了10.7%。 However, total merchandise exports fell 10.7% due to a 17.3% drop in oil exports. 中国仍是最大的贸易伙伴,进口了沙特阿拉伯总出口的16.1%。 China remained the top trading partner, importing 16.1% of Saudi Arabia's total exports.