安大略查塔姆的Vadis Pizzeria在圣诞日为300多份免费火鸡晚餐提供了服务,以对抗孤独。 Quo Vadis Pizzeria in Chatham, Ontario, served over 300 free turkey dinners on Christmas Day to combat loneliness.
安大略查塔姆的Vadis Pizzeria在圣诞节为每个人提供了300多份免费的火鸡晚餐,以帮助减少节假日的孤独感。 Quo Vadis Pizzeria in Chatham, Ontario, served over 300 free turkey dinners on Christmas Day, open to everyone to help reduce feelings of loneliness during the holidays. 这是在餐厅里供应晚餐的第一年,以前是用外卖篮子提供的。 This was the first year the dinners were served inside the restaurant, previously offered in take-out baskets. 这顿饭包括一份配有传统面和胡萝卜蛋糕的完整的火鸡晚餐。 The meal included a full turkey dinner with traditional sides and carrot cake. 组织者Michael Day感谢许多志愿者,他们使活动成为可能。 Organizer Michael Day thanked the many volunteers who made the event possible.