康涅狄格州餐馆提供特殊的圣诞菜单,从45美元到125美元不等,建议预订。 Connecticut restaurants offer special Christmas menus, ranging from $45 to $125, with reservations recommended.
一些康涅狄格州餐馆提供特殊的圣诞夜和圣诞日菜单。 Several Connecticut restaurants are offering special Christmas Eve and Christmas Day menus. 选择包括工匠餐厅95美元的定价菜单,格拉诺阿索的七鱼盛宴125美元,以及港湾灯特别菜单. Options include Artisan Restaurant’s $95 prix fixe menu, Grano Arso’s Feast of the Seven Fishes for $125, and Harbor Lights’ special menu additions. 其他场所提供独特的节日膳食或自助餐,价格从每人45美元到125美元不等。 Other venues provide unique holiday meals or buffets, with prices ranging from $45 to $125 per person. 提出保留意见,可通过OpenTable等平台提出。 Reservations are advised and can be made through platforms like OpenTable.