警方在最近的调查后逮捕了麦迪逊高地死亡案的一名嫌疑人。 Police arrested a suspect in a Madison Heights death case following a recent investigation.
警方逮捕了与麦迪逊高地一名男子死亡有关的一名嫌疑人。 Police have arrested a suspect in connection with the death of a man in Madison Heights. 逮捕是在最近对这一事件进行调查之后作出的。 The arrest was made after a recent investigation into the incident. 公告中没有提供关于该案件的进一步细节,包括嫌疑人的身份和死者死亡的情况。 Further details about the case, including the identity of the suspect and the circumstances of the man's death, are not provided in the announcement.