巴基斯坦部长称赞安全部队在圣诞节和国家节日期间确保和平。 Pakistani minister lauds security forces for ensuring peace during Christmas and national holiday.
内政部长Mohsin Naqvi赞扬巴基斯坦安全部队在圣诞节和Quaid-e-Azam日庆祝活动期间维持和平。 Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi praised Pakistan's security forces for maintaining peace during Christmas and Quaid-e-Azam Day celebrations. 他赞扬警察、游骑兵和边防警察努力确保一个安全的环境,特别是基督教社团的庆祝活动。 He commended the police, Rangers, and Frontier Constabulary for their efforts in ensuring a safe environment, particularly for the Christian community's festivities. Naqvi强调了保护少数群体权利的重要性,并称赞已实施的安全措施。 Naqvi highlighted the importance of protecting minority rights and lauded the security measures in place.