巴基斯坦内政部长赞扬边防部队维持和平,并强调在俾路支可持续发展方面进行合作。 Pakistan's Interior Minister commends Frontier Corps for peacekeeping and stresses cooperation in Balochistan's sustainable development.
巴基斯坦内政部长Mohsin Naqvi强调,俾路支省的发展与繁荣与可持续和平直接相关。 Pakistan's Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi stressed that the development and prosperity of Balochistan are directly linked to sustainable peace. 他赞扬南俾路支边防军在维持和平和打击走私活动方面发挥的作用,并赞扬其反对Khawarij和极端主义的努力。 He commended the Frontier Corps South Balochistan for their role in maintaining peace and combating smuggling, and praised their efforts against the Khawarij and extremism. Naqvi强调所有利益攸关方必须共同努力,促进俾路支省的可持续发展,并强调在青年中促进体育的重要性。 Naqvi emphasized the need for all stakeholders to work together for the sustainable development of Balochistan, and highlighted the importance of promoting sports among the youth.