Mayerthorpe 和 Lac Ste. 安妮县见证了泵道比赛、高速公路关闭、费用考虑和消防队长奖章荣誉。 Mayerthorpe and Lac Ste. Anne County saw a pump track competition, highway closure, fee consideration, and a fire chief's medal honor.
2024年10月至12月 Mayerthorpe和Lac Ste In October to December 2024, Mayerthorpe and Lac Ste. 安妮县在推迟后见证了 2024 年 Hotwheels Pump Track 比赛,16 号高速公路上发生致命的肇事逃逸事故,导致暂时关闭,以及议会考虑小幅增加 Fortis Alberta 特许经营费。 Anne County saw the 2024 Hotwheels Pump Track Competition after a postponement, a fatal hit-and-run accident on Highway 16 causing a temporary closure, and council consideration of a small increase in the Fortis Alberta franchise fee. 消防队长Randy Schroeder因贡献荣获查尔斯三世国王的加冕奖章。 Fire Chief Randy Schroeder was honored with King Charles III's Coronation Medal for his contributions.