8月11日晚上10点45分 在NS的威廉山附近发生公路碰撞 3人死亡 3 people died in a highway collision near Mount William, NS on August 11th at 10:45 p.m.
在新斯科舍皮克图县威廉山附近106号公路上发生的两辆汽车碰撞中,有3人死亡。 3 people died in a two-vehicle collision on Highway 106 near Mount William, Pictou County, Nova Scotia. 8月11日下午10时45分左右,在特伦顿连接器和格兰顿出口之间发生的事故使两辆汽车被火焰吞没。 The accident, which occurred between the Trenton connector and Granton exit on 11th August at around 10:45 p.m., left both vehicles engulfed in flames. 加拿大皇家骑警正在调查坠机原因以及有关涉案车辆的进一步细节,他们要求提供事件中的任何目击者证词或行车记录仪镜头。 The cause of the crash and further details about the vehicles involved are being investigated by the RCMP, who are requesting any witness accounts or dashcam footage from the incident. 该公路暂时关闭,但此后又重新开放。 The highway was closed temporarily but has since reopened.