在南费城的圣诞日 被肇事逃逸的司机杀害的四十多岁的男子 Man in his 40s killed by hit-and-run driver on Christmas Day in South Philadelphia.
在南费城的圣诞日,40多岁的行人被一个肇事逃逸的司机致命地击中。 A pedestrian in his 40s was fatally struck by a hit-and-run driver on Christmas Day in South Philadelphia. 事件发生于下午9时左右,地点在Snyder大道。 The incident occurred around 9 p.m. on Snyder Avenue. 目击者将这辆车描述为一辆银色或棕色轿车,该车在击中当时在街上行走的男子后逃跑。 Witnesses described the vehicle as a silver or tan sedan that fled after hitting the man, who was walking in the street. 警方正在寻找司机,并正在审查附近企业的监控录像,以查明车辆并抓获嫌疑人。 Police are searching for the driver and are reviewing surveillance footage from nearby businesses to identify the vehicle and catch the suspect.