印度银行在金融方面有显著改善,利润率上升,国家行动纲领达到13年最低水平。 Indian banks show significant financial improvement with profitability up and NPAs at a 13-year low.
印度银行的金融健康状况有了显著改善,连续第六年利润率上升,到2024年9月,不良资产降至13年最低点,即2.5%。 Indian banks have seen a significant improvement in financial health, with profitability rising for the sixth straight year and non-performing assets (NPAs) dropping to a 13-year low of 2.5% by September 2024. 增长归因于强劲的信贷扩张、资产质量的改善和资本缓冲的加强。 The growth is attributed to robust credit expansion, improved asset quality, and enhanced capital buffers. 到2024年3月,《国家行动计划》的总比率下降到2.7%,到2024年9月进一步下降到2.5%,而在2024-25年上半年,资产和股本回报率分别达到1.4%和14.6%。 The gross NPA ratio fell to 2.7% by March 2024 and further to 2.5% by September 2024, while return on assets and equity reached 1.4% and 14.6% respectively in the first half of 2024-25. 非银行金融公司也显示出强劲的信贷增长和资产质量的改善。 Non-banking financial companies also showed strong credit growth and improved asset quality.