Homes under the Hammer host Martin Roberts, 61岁,极有可能, 保持活跃的救生后心脏手术。 Homes Under the Hammer host Martin Roberts, 61, defies odds, stays active post-life-saving heart surgery.
61 岁的 Homes Under the Hammer 房东马丁·罗伯茨 (Martin Roberts) 两年前接受了挽救生命的心脏手术,此前他被告知由于心脏周围积液,他只剩下几个小时的生命了。 Martin Roberts, 61, the Homes Under the Hammer host, underwent life-saving heart surgery two years ago after being told he had only hours to live due to fluid around his heart. 尽管罗伯茨仍然面临健康挑战,包括胸围,但罗伯茨仍然积极开展活动,在威尔士翻修一家酒吧,辅导当地青年。 Despite facing ongoing health challenges, including chest twinges, Roberts remains active, renovating a pub in Wales and mentoring local youth. 尽管他前途未卜,但他力求有所作为,尽他所能。 He aims to make a difference and do as much as he can despite his uncertain future.