DJ被控在澳大利亚Fremantle的混乱拳击日派对上 变本加厉 DJ charged for escalating volume at chaotic Boxing Day party in Fremantle, Australia.
澳大利亚Fremantle的DJ被指控拒绝服从警察关于在港口海滩驱散一个失控拳击日派对的要求。 A DJ in Fremantle, Australia, has been charged for refusing to adhere to police requests to disperse an out-of-control Boxing Day party at Port Beach. 早些时候,约600人聚集在Booyeembara公园,导致在海滩举行第二次约200人集会,据称尽管警察干预,但DJ却增加了人数。 Earlier, around 600 people gathered at Booyeembara Park, leading to a second gathering of about 200 at the beach, where the DJ allegedly increased the volume despite police interventions. 预计他将于1月24日出庭。 He is scheduled to appear in court on January 24.