Chase M. Cutty,25岁,在圣诞节前夕死于威斯康辛州的车祸;速度和酒精是因素。 Chase M. Cutty, 25, died on Christmas Eve in a Wisconsin car crash; speed and alcohol are factors.
Chase M. Cutty, 25岁,来自威斯康星州克鲁维茨, 死于圣诞节前夕, 他的车在史蒂芬森州X号公路上翻转。 Chase M. Cutty, a 25-year-old from Crivitz, Wisconsin, died on Christmas Eve after his vehicle rolled over on County Highway X in Stephenson. Cutty没有带安全带,当他试图在禁通过区通过另一辆车时失去控制时,被射出。 Cutty was not wearing a seatbelt and was ejected when he lost control while attempting to pass another vehicle in a no-passing zone. 紧急服务得到响应,坠机事故正在以速度和酒精进行调查,据信是各种因素造成的。 Emergency services responded, and the crash is under investigation with speed and alcohol believed to be factors.