美国爱荷华州洛根的52岁克里斯托弗·哈德努特在85号高速公路上因轮胎故障和缺少安全带而死亡. 52-year-old Christopher Hudnut from Logan, Iowa, died in a single-vehicle crash on Highway 85 due to tire failure and lack of seatbelt.
来自爱荷华州洛根的 52 岁男子克里斯托弗·菲利普·哈德努特 (Christopher Phillip Hudnut) 在鲍韦希克县 85 号高速公路上死于单车事故。 Christopher Phillip Hudnut, a 52-year-old man from Logan, Iowa, died in a single-vehicle crash on Highway 85 in Poweshiek County. 事故发生于星期三, 轮胎失灵导致他失去对垃圾车的控制, The accident occurred on Wednesday when a tire failure caused him to lose control of his dump truck, which then veered into a ditch. Hudnut被从汽车中弹出,并因未带安全带而受致命伤。 Hudnut was ejected from the vehicle and suffered fatal injuries, as he was not wearing a seatbelt. 爱荷华州巡逻队报告了这一事件,突出表明了该州目前对交通安全的关切。 The Iowa State Patrol reported the incident, which highlights ongoing traffic safety concerns in the state.