艺术世界受到争议的震撼, 包括艺术品被损坏, 被盗, 并出售成百万。 Art world rocked by controversies including artworks damaged, stolen, and sold for millions.
2024年,艺术界面临许多争议,包括荷兰一名博物馆技师错误地扔掉了部分啤酒罐的艺术品。 In 2024, the art world faced numerous controversies, including a museum technician in the Netherlands mistakenly throwing away part of a beer can artwork. 活动人士组织"停止石油" (Just Stop Oil) 针对像"蒙娜丽莎"这样的文化遗址. Activist group Just Stop Oil targeted cultural sites like the "Mona Lisa." Maurizio Cattelan的《喜剧演员》 香蕉艺术作品 卖价620万美元 Maurizio Cattelan's "Comedian," a banana artwork, sold for $6.2 million. 日本作家Rie Kudan承认使用AI来写她获奖书的一部分。 Japanese author Rie Kudan admitted using AI to write part of her award-winning book. 一名4岁男孩意外打破了以色列博物馆的青铜时代罐。 A 4-year-old boy accidentally broke a Bronze Age jar at an Israeli museum. 伦敦国家美术馆之类的机构加强了保安。 Security was tightened at institutions like the National Gallery in London.