阿布扎比的Al Wathba日期节提供竞赛和奖品, 突显日期生产和棕榈树的重要性。 Abu Dhabi's Al Wathba Dates Festival offers competitions and prizes to highlight date production and palm tree importance.
2025年1月10日至2月28日在阿布扎比举行的Al Wathba日期节有12场日期包装竞赛,获奖200万东加元。 The Al Wathba Dates Festival, running from January 10 to February 28, 2025, in Abu Dhabi, features 12 competitions for date packaging with AED2 million in prizes. 它由阿布扎比遗产管理局组织,旨在促进棕榈树重要性和日期生产,支持粮食安全和可持续农业。 Organized by the Abu Dhabi Heritage Authority, it aims to promote palm tree importance and date production, supporting food security and sustainable agriculture. 一个传统市场将展示与日期相关的产品和农业工具。 A traditional market will showcase date-related products and agricultural tools.