来自新斯科舍省Colchester县的两名男子被确认死于刺伤,被裁定为杀人案。 Two men from Colchester County, Nova Scotia, were confirmed dead from stab wounds, ruled as homicides.
在新斯科舍Colchester县,两名男子(一名来自皮克图Landing第一民族的25岁男子和一名来自Truro的27岁男子)在12月19日因刺伤被送到医院后被发现死亡。 In Colchester County, Nova Scotia, two men—a 25-year-old from Pictou Landing First Nation and a 27-year-old from Truro—were found dead after being admitted to a hospital on December 19 with stab wounds. 新斯科舍省医学验尸官证实死亡是杀人案。 The Nova Scotia Medical Examiner has confirmed the deaths as homicides. 警方认为,受害者是在该县遭到袭击的,事件不是随机的。 Police believe the victims were assaulted in the county and the incidents were not random. 调查仍在进行中,当局正在寻求更多资料。 The investigation is ongoing, with authorities seeking more information.