台湾的研究人员展示了世界上第一个超高速4D显微镜, 推进神经元研究。 Researchers in Taiwan unveil world's first ultra-high-speed 4D microscope, advancing neuron study.
台湾研究人员创造了世界上第一台超高速4D显微镜,它能够比传统显微镜更快数千倍地观察活神经元的电动活动。 Taiwanese researchers have created the world's first ultra-high-speed 4D microscope, which can observe electric activity in living neurons thousands of times faster than traditional microscopes. 使用人工智能,该设备使图像分辨率提高十倍。 Using AI, the device enhances image resolution by tenfold. 这一突破可以大大推进神经生物学和AI等领域,帮助研究癫痫、颤抖和痴呆等病症。 This breakthrough could greatly advance fields like neurobiology and AI, aiding in the study of conditions such as epilepsy, tremors, and dementia.