UC Davis 研究人员开发高速低功率双光子荧光显微镜,用于研究神经条件。 UC Davis researchers develop high-speed, low-power two-photon fluorescence microscope for studying neurological conditions.
UC Davis的研究人员开发了一个新的双光子荧光显微镜,以细胞分辨率捕捉神经活动高速图像。 Researchers at UC Davis developed a new two-photon fluorescence microscope capturing high-speed images of neural activity at cellular resolution. 新的显微镜使用适应性取样和直线照明,操作速度比传统方法快十倍,将大脑激光功率减少十倍以上。 The new microscope, using adaptive sampling and line illumination, operates ten times faster than traditional methods, reducing laser power on the brain by more than tenfold. 它可用于早期研究阿尔茨海默氏、帕金森氏和癫痫等神经疾病。 It could be utilized for studying neurological conditions like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and epilepsy at early stages.